Monday, March 2, 2009

Back in business.

That's it. I miss blogging. Twitter mobile and Facebook notes sufficed for a bit, but I have to say blogs bring the whole daily quick idea thing to a new level. And though I am nowhere near a devout blog follower, I do stay connected thanks to Blackberries and Opera Mini and LA's lovely Blue and Green buses. And it feeds my soul. And makes that ungodly stretch of Wilshire Blvd east of the 405 somewhat more palatable.

So here I am, newly inspired by the online writing community in all its illustrious glory (i.e. the most famous Michelle Woo in the world). I will have to re-learn how to insert a link again. something about a href=" "...

My blog, as you can see, is titled "will cook for food" which was my clever tagline during my brief stint. Or so I thought. Turns out I found a dozen or so others with the same tagline. Mostly men who wanted to exhibit their kitchen prowess in hopes of, well, gettin' some. And then I thought it would be my clever [insert title here] URL, but someone else already staked claim in May 2008. Even though he/she has not posted once. Not that I'm bitter.

So here I am, Ms. twelvegrain. And no, I don't think I can name the twelve grains off the top of my head. Something along the lines of wheat, barley, oats, flax, and spelt. Especially spelt, because it's such a cool word. 1 vowel, 4 consonants.

The focus of my blog will be food. Food I cook, food I eat, food I'd like to cook, food I'd like to eat. I know there are a ka-jillion (shh, the mathematician is using a non-number number word) foodie blogs out there, and I'm sure they're awesome. This one, however, is different because it's about food<-->me (we social researchers love the double arrow). It's supposed to somehow connote the two-way food-me relationship, how I interact with food, how food interacts with me. And I should put a contextual bubble around the food<-->me diagram, but I just don't know how to do that here on blogger, so let's just pretend it's there.

Disclaimer: I am not nor do I ever begin to represent myself as a trained chef. Who I am is someone who loves to cook, someone who is continually intrigued by the social and physical effects of good food, and someone who wishes to share her daily food experiences within the blogging community. This may entail asking amateur questions like "do I stir risotto or leave it alone?" I'm sure the experts out there would love to comment.

Thanks for joining me as I embark on this new journey, among others. Comments always welcome. Even if they're lame. Well, not too many lame ones, I guess. But don't worry, your comment isn't lame.

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