Saturday, March 7, 2009

I could eat this every morning.

This morning I geared up for a morning hike up to Parker Mesa Overlook. After staying out late last night, and not wanting to look out of shape to my friends, I decided I needed a hearty breakfast that wouldn't weigh me down. I absolutely cannot do physically strenuous activity with a lot of high fat food in my system. So, in comes the protein pancake. It's a take on a Body For Life recipe, and honestly, I could eat this every morning. I guess I could call it my morning crack.

The premise of Body For Life is eating 6 small meals a day that balance lean protein and good carbs, so this recipe fits that formula pretty perfectly. At first taste, I think the texture can throw people off, because of its density, but once you get past that, you learn to love the wonder of this breakfast staple. And hey, you definitely shed that belly softness on this eating plan.

Protein Pancake, serving for 1 person
1/2 cup lowfat cottage cheese
1/2 cup rolled oats
3 egg whites
stevia, cinnamon, vanilla to taste
hearty sprinkle of flaxseeds for added nuttiness and all the good fat you get from flax

stick all of it in your blender and hit blend. it's quite thick, so you'll have to stir it around and pulse it. cook like a pancake, but you'll have to keep it on the heat much longer.


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